Administrative court in Germany - road traffic law

Berlin and Brandenburg share a common court

Dishes in be Germany to certain areas, the so-called jurisdictions, divided

To the ordinary Jurisdiction, the financial jurisdiction, labour jurisdiction, social jurisdiction and the administrative jurisdiction.

Dishes fall in the latter category, often used when there are quarrels between the citizens and the public sector.

More precisely, A public law dispute, which is not assigned to the Social or the financial jurisdiction formulated: lands to the administrative court. This guide informs you about the tasks of those courts, informing them of the various instances and mentions some of the judgment, examples of which are assigned to the traffic law. Not least of all, you will get here a list of the addresses and telephone numbers of all the higher administrative courts in Germany. As already mentioned, involved in administrative courts with public law disputes. Behind corresponding Complaints of citizens that feel by the actions of the administrative authorities, their rights have been violated often. Actions initiated by the authorities, are more likely to be the exception. There are some examples, which are intended to illustrate the consequences, which is the variety of different issues in a single administrative court has over time.

So the legal process is opened up to administrative courts, for example, if: It shows that the areas of law, which an administrative court is concerned, very diverse fail.

School of law, soldiers, law, road law, traffic law, police law, environmental law, and asylum law, only some significant examples. The latter has led to the refugee situation in the spring of, the Berlin administrative court has come to the breaking point. Like other jurisdictions, in Germany the administrative jurisdiction of three structured stages. Be complaints in the first instance, the name-giving Administrative courts to be submitted. These chambers, which are occupied by three judges and two honorary judges. A case is not decided by a single judge, are the chambers responsible.

The defendant or the plaintiff is a judgment by the competent administrative court dissatisfied, may appeal the Revision or similar remedies.

In this case, for Review by the second instance of active administrative court. Some of the German länder use the term administrative court. A higher administrative court, with one exception, in every state.

Certain aspects of administrative law are regulated by administrative courts, even in the first instance.

It is, for example, to disputes over the validity of development plans and basic technical large-scale projects, are the decisions of the competent higher administrative court. In contrast to the administrative court in the first instance, working with chambers, forming an upper administrative court Senates.

These standards include sometimes control procedures

The third and last instance is occupied by the Federal administrative court. This has in Leipzig in his seat and regarded as a court of appeal. Certain cases can even be before the Federal administrative court of first instance negotiated. Transport legal issues always end up back at a competent administrative court. It is not rare that road users are being unfairly treated and to be strictly sanctioned feel. There are two example cases that illustrate how a system of administrative courts in such cases can be the judge. Before the administrative court of Neustadt, it came in to its peculiar protection claim (Az. Previously, the applicant was withdrawn as a result of Amphetamine use in the transport of the driver's license. A toxicology report which confirmed the allegation Officials, that there was drug use at the wheel. Quickly it came to the application for a temporary injunction to the competent administrative court. In March, the administrative court in Mainz issued a ruling that referred to a truck driver, of the arrangement of a transport authority (Az. MZ). In the case of several violations in relation to the prescribed driving times and rest periods have been identified.

In addition to the actual fine, he got a call that he should travel write data for past months.

In contrast, the truck drivers complained after an unsuccessful opposition proceedings. He noted that his misconduct is behavior born out of an operational Situation and it is not suspected in relation to other past rides should arise. The court decided, however, for the purposes of the transport authority. The basis of the claim was found in the driving personnel act. Accordingly, it was legitimate, on the surrender to consist of documents which make it possible to check the guarantee of traffic safety. In addition, the claim was regarded as proportionate, since the data must already be, and for a year kept recorded. The following table provides an Overview of the employed in Germany have the upper administrative courts. Lists the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the individual dishes. What applies to actions brought before the administrative court. What is the legal basis. Reigns in the administrative courts the imperative duty to let themselves be represented by a lawyer. Here you can read more on the subject. In the Tuning also numerous ways to tint the car Windows. However, Tuning may not affix anything to the Fans of all the Windows on the car with foils. What are the legal regulations you need to observe and how the car Windows can sounds, read our Tuning guide. Not only Drivers, but also traffic participants on the bike can quickly fall into the role of a spirit rider.

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But what happens when cyclists disregard these rules and to the spirit driver. In, the first environmental areas, in order to reduce the air pollution by oxides of nitrogen and fine dust.

Motorists entering nevertheless, the environmental zone without or with an incorrect badge, can be punished.

Read more here, what impact does it have with a wrong sticker.

Quickly, it happens on-ramps at confusing highway or because the driver blindly trust your Navi, you end up on the wrong side of the road.

You are then as a Ghost driver on the road - for all Involved in a dangerous Situation. Learn here how you find yourself in such a Situation, right behavior. Hit-and-run in the traffic law is a serious offence, which is punished according to the provisions in the criminal code.

But the same penalty also applies for novice drivers who have the driving license yet to sample.

Here you will learn everything there is to know on the subject.

In the context of the accident reporting service of the auto insurer of the accident reporting plug-in has been developed.

We explain how this works and whether it can also be used in case of a breakdown.

We also go to the privacy of the accident, a reporting connector.

Truck drivers are not allowed to move in Germany at any day at any time of your heavy vehicles.

There are several driving bans for trucks which need to be considered if you wish to not receive a penalty notice.

But exactly when the Truck must stop. The learn here.