After the initiation of procedures: Poland, Hungary prior to EU sanctions RT English

On Wednesday, the EU agreed on values-a Parliament for EU Sanctions against Hungary because of the threat to their basic. Viktor Orbán showed

In the accusations of the Dutch Green MEP Judith allegations found that Hungary violated the rights of refugees and minorities, the judiciary, restricted freedom of the press and freedom of expression curtails and science at the universities of disabledViktor Orbán showed during a visit to Strasbourg on Tuesday unapologetic and spoke of an 'attack on the Hungarians'. With a Two-thirds majority (goods for the procedure, against) voted in the EU Parliament for the initiation of a proceeding pursuant to article, as the advocates see the values of the EU are injured. Now it is up to the Council of the member countries, with Poland, to take on a protective role for Hungary want. Each country has its sovereign right to internal reforms that it considers appropriate. Actions against member States, the deepening of trenches in the EU, making the lack of confidence of citizens in the European institutions is growing.

You will ensure that the value of this Union is more than just the written word on a piece of paper. In the worst case, Hungary might be the voting rights in the EU Council of Ministers restricted Since taking office, Orbán has curtailed the rights of the press in his country, NGOs were banned and a immigration-hostile policy.

The OSCE (organization for security and co-operation in Europe) warned of the last Hungarian parliamentary elections before an 'intimidating, xenophobic rhetoric, media influence and non-transparent financing of the election campaign'. While he assessed the elections as free, were you, according to the OSCE is not fair.