The compulsory investment registration was also abolished

The terms and conditions of business in Russia are getting better and betterThe Situation in the tax organization has improved significantly: business people are now losing less time for customs formalities electronic reporting systems have been more understandable, and adapted. For highly qualified professionals applying for the work permit has been simplified, a large number of medical certificates are no longer required. Thanks to the customs Union establishment, the interest of the entrepreneur to the company's registration in Kazakhstan rapidly increased. Statistics show that each district be registered in the year only from Russia about - companies. One of the reasons is the fact that Kazakhstan has a favourable taxation system and a good tax administration is. Since, Ukraine is doing its Best to improve the investment climate. Many of the administrative obstacles to doing business were abolished. To include the current benefits, the following points: reduction of minimum share capital, the number and duration of business establishment procedures have been shorter, as well as building licences were cheaper. January, the VAT rate is seventeen and the profit is sixteen tax rate. In, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has introduced a program for activation of economic development, which is aimed at industrial modernization and structural economic reorganization. Today companies investing in Belarus will get automatically access to the -million market of the three States of the common economic space. In Belarus, a number of preferential regimes for foreign companies is of great Benefit, particularly for their taxation planning and optimization.

They include special preferential conditions of economic management in the business management in the framework of the six free economic zones.

The government in Armenia is doing its Best to make the investment climate in the country as cheaply as possible. Some bureaucratic procedures are simplified, the requirements for the business management also mild. For example, an alien is an Armenian visa can get immediately after landing in Zvartnots airport, and if you want, you can open a limited liability company in the course of three working days. When it comes to the wage, so he is in Armenia in comparison to other neighbouring countries, quite moderate, and the quality of the produced Goods and services is high enough, this allows for the newly opened company to be competitive. The state is also trying to create the most favorable climate for investments from the European Union. According to the decision of the government of the Armenian Republic, no. October, are all citizens of the EU member States and of the States where the Schengen agreement, be entitled from. To January without a visa into the country and on the territory of the Armenian Republic of the stay to retract.

From the above-mentioned date, the citizens of the listed may Countries on the territory of Armenia up to days in the course of a year.

Azerbaijan is the only CIS state whose national currency has maintained its Position during the crisis. And at the time of the month is a value higher than the Dollar (Manat. Business in Azerbaijan is a good idea to register, as the country's stable economic development: Azerbaijan not only has efficient oil business, but also aspires to develop innovative business areas, in contrast to the oil. Recently, you needed to the company's registration about days. Thanks to the development of innovative systems has now reduced this procedure almost up to three days, even for foreign investors. The government of Georgia is actively promoting foreign investment by providing them with particularly good conditions are created. The investors get the land, projects and construction documentation for buildings. Georgia is also obliged to inform the Investor of Income taxes and property taxes to be exempt for fifteen years. It simplified the procedures of company registration, apply, by to pay a small fee and the registration is carried out in the course of three working days. In, the tax laws were simpler and the amount of services for taxpayers more broadly. The zones of the customs formalities have been introduced, and this reduced the duration of import and export procedures. The execution of the Contract has become much easier, since it has simplified the court procedures in business issues and accelerated. The government of Tajikistan promotes the sphere of foreign investments in electric power industry, mining industry, construction of transport infrastructure, as well as in the financial. Together with the world Bank reforms were implemented, facilitating the management of the business activities. For example, the country has carried out reform and land certificates are introduced, the requirements for obtaining the building permit to the Exploration and extraction of ground mild were treasures. Developed the program of entrepreneurship development, this includes the improvement of taxation, development of the financial sphere, and the approximation of the national legal base with the legal bases of the CIS countries. Foreign investors are exempt from income tax in the course of two to five years, depending on the invested capital. In recent years, a number of measures to improve the business environment, development of competition, to the promotion of small business and private entrepreneurship have been taken. Inter alia, more freedom of entrepreneurship Many permit procedures for business registration in the country were abolished. Nowadays, there are in Uzbekistan three free industrial and economic zones, the establishment of export-oriented operation is promoted company, the services sphere and tourism are developing rapidly. In addition to the measures for the promotion the private contractor dropped some of the rates of certain taxes, and the list of licensed kinds of activity was shorter. The government of Kyrgyzstan, has activated several programmes for the promotion and development of entrepreneurship. In, a working group consisting of representatives of the state was formed institutions of Kyrgyzstan, the world Bank and the investment and business development Council, a number of the formality procedures have been simplified, the number of reviewing agencies, and the tests become much smaller. It has also reduced the number of taxes, and the VAT rate decreased up to twelve and the unit tax rate for small companies up to six. Since, the government of Moldova has approved about a hundred laws that have improved the conditions for doing business significantly. Since they have worked together with the world Bank programs of the further development. Projects are carried out, the innovative entrepreneurs in leading Sectors of the economy promote, it has also created zones of free entrepreneurship. In, the work has been facilitated conditions, in zones of free entrepreneurship and the size of the annual income of the physical persons and private entrepreneurs was higher, and this will not be imposed with income tax. Among the numerous investment advantages of Turkmenistan, there are investment opportunities in the rapidly developing oil and construction areas, in the tourist Zone on the coast of the Caspian sea, in the agriculture and telecommunications.

The distinctive feature of the Turkmen business environment consists of foreign investment, as deliveries of the new technologies, works and services to be used.

In, the new Customs code of Turkmenistan came into force, this has improved customs procedures significantly. The country has a favourable climate for business leadership, a well-developed banking and a well-earned Support system for investment and entrepreneurs. The climate for doing business and the support system is one of the best in the European Union. The banking system is a part of the Nordic financial system and is one of the best technically equipped in Europe. You created very favorable conditions for investors, for example, the set for the re-oriented income is, this promotes the accumulation of the investment. Estonia has signed agreements on avoidance of double taxation with most countries of the world. The company registration is done in the template of the electronic documents, and will take a day of work. The special feature of the Estonian System of trust between the state and entrepreneurs, which makes the Estonian business climate for entrepreneurs is the most favourable. It has created favorable conditions for business management, based on strict rules from the protection of the rights of Investors and the development of the free economic zones. There, the Investor of the real estate tax exemption for investments over one Million euros and for a period of six years from the income tax. The foreign Investor can establish a company in Lithuania with the help of an authorized Person.

In Details, the registration of which has been developed procedure for different types of companies.

In Lithuania, has been simplified in, the registration formalities for companies: The limited liability companies should be registered online and the Foundation may not be notarized documents notarized.