Apartment management, advocacy, and Support

are varied and affect almost all issues with the apartment

In addition to the maintenance and care of the apartment management takes care of after consultation with the owners of the necessary modernisation in the portfolio and any extensionsThe cost for the apartment management must be borne by the owner, and this cost may not be allocated to the tenant. The apartment management (including lease administration or property management) assumes the administration of rented dwellings of all kinds - whether it is apartments in single-family homes, multi-party houses, residences or condominium. In General, the apartment management works as an independent company on behalf of the apartment owners. This apartment management is not limited only to a single owner to cooperate - quite the contrary: Many property communities hire an apartment management to retain, in particular, the issues of rent and maintenance in one Hand.

In General, the specific tasks of housing management are set out in the contract with the owners of the apartments.

In principle, a distinction is made between the commercial and the technical management, with this distinction, in practice, plays only in the internal organization of the apartment management a role.

To the outside both tasks are usually taken by housing management. To the business management of the rental of the apartments including all the counts as the Central task, the tasks associated with that.

Profits are, of course, to be paid to the owner

The apartment management is for the taking of the rent charge and the rent adjustment due to the current rental levels and the law responsible. The apartment management completes rental agreements - this includes of course the selection of tenants and the content of the lease agreements.

The lessees of their obligations not to come, it is the responsibility of the apartment management outstanding Rents to collect, and to impose disciplinary measures for violations of the house rules.

In particular, the apartment management may terminate the lease in compliance with the statutory provisions.

The apartment management also takes care of incidental expenses and for the budget planning round-the-rental properties responsible. All costs and revenues from the leases are handled by the apartment management. In the area of technical administration of the care and maintenance of apartments, buildings and open spaces as essential duties.

In General, transmits the Apartment management these tasks to other service providers (cleaning staff, gardeners, technicians, etc.).

Also, the janitor is in this sense, a regular employee of the apartment management. First, larger governments with more than apartments are classified as commercial enterprises and are subject to trade tax. The cost for the apartment management must be borne by the owner, and this cost may not be allocated to the tenant. In Germany there is no legal provision about what kind of training must be available to be used as an apartment Manager. The professional title is not protected That is to say, everyone is allowed regardless of a qualification apartment Manager to call and the activities of the housing administration. Of course, large Housing associations pay particular attention to the qualifications of their employees. Since, the At private universities can be placed in the context of the business of the special focus on real estate and housing economy, qualify to work as a apartment Manager.