
Civil rights are the rights that relate to the relationship between the citizen and the stateIn the European Union (EU) this as a small part of the Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union in the article thirty-nine - defined: the right to vote on EU - and local level, the right to good administration, right to access to data and documents, Ombudsman, right to petition, freedom of movement and diplomatic protection. one Among citizen's rights is generally understood to be only those rights which relate to the relationship between the citizen and the state, less on the relationship of inhabitants of the state. The Status of a citizen and related citizenship rights were not always to all the inhabitants of a country or a city. The city of citizens in the medieval town of constitutions in law, a privilege that was only given to inhabitants of the city awards. The exercise of certain civil rights, in particular the active and passive right to vote is also bound to the achievement of certain age limits. In addition to children and young adults in recognition of their civic honor, are excluded from the exercise. The civil law is different from Civil law: Civil law is another name for private law (or civil law), while citizens rights are assigned to the public law. In Switzerland and in the Principality of Liechtenstein citizens is legal in the sense of nationality as well as the Belonging to a Citizenship (municipality of citizens rights), see Swiss citizenship. Furthermore, citizens rights differ from human rights that belong to all people everywhere (or should be), no matter which state you belong to or what you are.

The starting point of the civil rights of citizenship and the commitment to a community is to participate in its design (for example, elections at the municipal or state level, or freedom of expression).

The starting point of human rights is the human-self - power of Being human is not to come to any human rights depend on citizenship (e.g. right to life or the right to liberty) Often the term civil rights is not defined but is closer to the so-called civil rights movements as defensive rights of citizens against the state.

The fundamental rights or human rights are mostly meant, so that the use of the Concept of civil rights is controversial.

two the origins of The civil law are closely connected with the medieval city of right. The awarding of the city's civil rights took place in many European cities in the period between the middle ages and the beginning of the th century. Century, by the recording in the citizen role and the issuing of citizenship papers. This is based on an application of the inclusion and the detection of certain acquired or congenital conditions (proof of income, land ownership, Guild membership, reputation, Bürgereid, etc.) were for the most part. The citizens differ in their legal status, in particular, of the non-indigenous Beisassen. A citizen could only be someone who only citizens had the right to vote to the city government, the census right to vote until the th century. Century had, in many regions of Europe stock The civil law, in particular, of the Free and Imperial cities was the law of the (lower) nobility quite comparable. So in reached to Imperial age many cities in Germany, the share of citizens in the population is hardly.

In Parts of Germany, citizens continue to exist rights until the s, so in Bavaria and in Hessen-Nassau.

In Prussia, however, had since, the de facto right of residence in the municipality belonging to the seat and not granted to citizens. Since the amendment to the commercial code of, and here also stands the privileges have been partially lifted, so the birth of the estates of the criteria by performance replaced.

So the guilds were without elevated access rights, commercial and civil rights decoupled.

Since, the manor owners lost in Prussia their personal voting rights at the circle of days their rights were defined economically, in the framework of the Prussian three-class right to vote.

In Germany, the citizens rights, together with human rights, the fundamental rights under the basic law for the Federal Republic of Germany, and in particular article, article, article and article of the basic law. Citizens rights (each German, not German) are exclusively German, three human rights (everyone, no one) to all people. four, The designation of"foreign fellow citizens"is a euphemism that obscures their true legal Status as people without rights as citizens.

On several citizen rights, such as the right to free movement, EU according to the treaties, citizens of other EU-appointed States. After the terrorist attacks on September September, have been restricted in the USA with the Patriot Act and partly also in the allied States, the civil rights part.

Against this repeal, or restricting changes of the Rights of citizens, there was fierce opposition.