A complaint is examined within ten working days after the Submission dateAccording to the law judgments of the court of arbitration occur immediately and can not be moistened (nowhere). According to the judgment of the court is issued within - days, a state Vollstreckungnstitel (with a financial guarantee to the court). The court helps free of charge at the time of submission of enforceable deeds on the Bank of the debtor or to the office of bailiff, with further control of implementation until the return of the liabilities. Organizes the work with Debt collectors, The judge will be selected by the parties to the conflict themselves or by the Bureau, in order to guarantee the independence of the process. It is the only court which considered actions in relation to legal and natural persons. The expenses are up to ten Times lower than in a state court The court of ARBITRATION was in Accordance with the European Convention On the foreign trade court of arbitration'. It is analog to the London international court of arbitration of The negotiation lasts, as a rule, only a court session, which will be carried out within ten calendar days. The court decision is final and not subject to appeal The court decision is immediately handed out. CHIEDSGERICHT is providing a service that no other Russian arbitration court provides - it ensures the enforcement of its decisions in Germany, in Russia and abroad, free of charge, from the paid arbitration fee), and with its own financial guarantee. There is no insurance protection for the child created by sperm donation of the same-sex life partner of the policyholder.