Home country women of the Swiss women farmers and the country women's Association

March is the day of the home economy

Surprise your friends and Acquaintances with a personal-culinary-Portrait for the whole yearWe want to perform on this day, together with school classes in the whole of Switzerland, a variety of actions and the utility in a positive, time just light back. Click here and you will find in your area-addresses of designated professionals with experience in agriculture.

If you have questions, give us a call: Tel.

twelve or contact us via Email: An attractive training for the women on farms or other interested persons. You will be trained in the areas of nutrition, catering, financial management, horticulture, product processing or agricultural content in a targeted manner. You can choose your training modular, or full-time. A democracy is only as good as you are representing your citizens. Therefore, we would like to see More women in politics. The Swiss farmers and the country women's Association is an umbrella organisation with a profile. We are the professional Association for the women, represented the women of the country and for us the nutrition and home Economics in the family budget. twenty-eight cantonal sections, collective members and individual members make us. Swiss Tavolata is caused by the SBLV and is now managed independently of hosts.

You can enjoy the real traditional and innovative Swiss country woman kitchen in the case of women farmers and rural women.

At this point, events are listed, courses, etc, of the SBLV-have either held, or whose visit we recommend (incomplete list). How can you ensure the social security of women farmers.

Do you need advice in the areas of family and business

Social protection is a component of the AP twenty-two and is currently being widely discussed. Current Situation and approach of the SBLV in relation to the social security of women farmers in the framework of the consultation process for the AP From the Association 'Swiss Tavolata' new 'cook Swiss Tavolata - country women for you'. The hosts take the helm now yourself in the Hand.

Esther Monaco, a farmer, with a Master degree from Gerra, TI, speaks in the COUNTRY friend no three, which is for you in home Economics is important.

Students from Niederurnen GL, the Welcome on the day of the home Economics interested persons on the farm and seasonal eating.

On the occasion of the world day of house economy of. March, numerous home Economics classes for a day of action. In order to raise Public awareness for a healthy and sustainable diet.

At the same time they give insight into the varied tasks of the household economy. Home Economics is meaningful and enjoyable The wants of the day of the home economy on the. March show that the SBLV shape.