Legal Protection

From the point of view of Mrs P

The module offers protection in case of disputes related to mobility in the road transport - whether you drive, bike, E-Bike, Bus or as pedestrians on the roadFor example, for pain and suffering claims after a traffic accident, damages, fines or dispute after a vehicle purchase. Insurance protection exists from the beginning of the contract without having to wait. from Hamburg is injured in a traffic accident. Your car has a total damage. The Automobile liability insurance rejects the regulation, however.

There is a legal dispute with a high cost threatens.

The solution: ADAC traffic legal protection, is responsible for the costs to be borne by Ms.

the opponent in the accident is to blame

P. attorney, and Court In the traffic legal protection, there are no waiting times. Insurance protection is, therefore, from the beginning of the contract. Yes, the ADAC traffic legal protection will also protect you when Driving other vehicles - both personally and professionally. We are talking about a commercial use, if the vehicle is not used exclusively for private, but (also) for commercial, freelance or other self-employed purposes.