Moral of the biological foundations of knowledge - Specialist

Morality has a biological basis

The moral sense is one of the most complex aspects of the human beingImaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance Imaging (fMRI) have contributed to new knowledge is crucial. It is morally regarded mostly as a property or setting that is guided by moral standards, what are the Benefits and harms of other people to include one. Also justice is one of the moral categories, which leads to special problems of compatibility of the different standards (justice vs. Apparently, there are gender differences in moral decisions, but it is unclear whether they arise from cultural conditions, such as, for example, for the influence of the Religion is to accept. In one study, for example, men gifts, regardless of their Religion, in the case of personal moral dilemmas significantly more decisions to the usefulness aspects, as women are three.

Emotionally a highly stressful dilemmas with a personal reference to lead other decisions as situations in which no such relation is seen.

Without personal reference, subjects are more willing to sacrifice an innocent Person to save several other people, as if a personal reference is four. The Stress must be affecting moral decisions. This has been observed in another study, also in normal subjects. There are several Dilemma grades have been submitted, non-moral, impersonal moral and personal moral.

Under Stress by a strong personal moral conflict, a total of fewer decisions according to considerations of Utility have been met without Stress.

Women showed significantly less choices according to usefulness points of view than men. The idea of sex (s. o.) when making moral decisions five, a distinction is made by these studies supported. Guilt and shame emotions, which play a decisive role in the adherence to moral and social Standards play. Therefore, they are studied increasingly in brain research.

People with psychopathic traits, which include blunted affect, lack of empathy and lack of guilt feelings, behavior particularly easy to be irresponsible and antisocial.

You have a decreased neuronal activity in the brain regions that mediate in the management of moral tasks, such affects. Of Central importance for the anticipation of guilt comes to the front of the island. ((Nature, Scientific Reports, Volume, Article number: DOI.

nature articles srep) are Moral decisions of everyday life, according to current imaging techniques (Neuroimaging functional magnetic resonance Imaging, fMRI) do not give to a particular brain region seems to be a network of brain regions is involved.

These include the medial orbitofrontal Cortex, the temporal Pole and the upper temporal Sulky of the left hemisphere of six. In a study with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in humans, where the task was given, to lie in certain situations, it was found that the left temporal lobe, the medio frontal Cortex, the lateral orbitofrontal Cortex were activated to the dorsolateral prefrontal Cortex, the caudate Nucleus, the left temporo-parietal connection (TPJ) and the right Cerebellum. In particular, TPJ might play an important role in the Intention to lie seven. In severe cases of Conflict, the go to a Person emotionally very close, seems to be the ventromediale Cortex of the prefrontal brain to play a very special role for moral decisions. People with damage to this Region show decreased emotional reactions such as compassion, shame, and guilt, which are closely associated with morals, eight, nine.

In a study of six people with vmPFC damage presented serious moral dilemmas were Save (for example, from life several people in favor of saving a life) in a different way (rather in the direction of sacrifice) than from normal persons whereas other, less emotionally-dramatic dilemmas without the social component in the same way as normal people were resolved to be decided.

It is concluded that the involvement of the vmPFC in the decision-making depends on the context of ten. In other scenarios, in which a personal Frustration and provocation arises, respond vmPFC-damaged people with reduced frustration control, and Trouble eleven. In an fMRI investigation, it is determined that the personal proximity to a person (the“humanization” of a Person) for decisions in a moral Dilemma, in which he plays a role that is essential to the “humanized” a Person is perceived, the less usefulness of criteria in such decisions. There are activities in the temporo-parietal and medial prefrontal regions and the right anterior Gyrus show cingulate, which is closely connected with the front part of the island of the brain, twelve.

Serotonin (-hydroxytryptamine, -HT) is a synaptic transmitter substance in the brain.

It affects social behavior through Modulation of emotions. It increases the emotional dislike of other people, inflicting pain, which may probably be due to its effect in the Amygdala, the island of the brain and in the ventromediale prefrontal Cortex (vmPFC). An intact or increased Serotonin function encourages prosocial behavior, whereas a reduced serotonin function with anti-social and aggressive behaviour, three ten, four ten is associated. The activity of the Transporter for Serotonin (-hydroxytryptamine, -HT) in brain cells for Serotonin. A lower activity when genetic polymorphism leads to a reduced Serotonin effect, which is evident at the functional level of the brain in a change in the assessment of moral problems impact.

People differ more or less significantly

People with the LL genotype, valued in a moral Dilemma between the victim of a Person and the injury of several persons, more for the benefit of the social group.

The S-allele is associated with a heightened emotional Feeling fifteen. The Serotonin activity influences generally the moral assessment of critical situations in the direction of prevent personal damage. An acute shortage of Tryptophan (which can be induced by,-dihydroxy tryptamine, the precursor of Serotonin), was that subjects rejected significantly more unfair offers, even though their assessment of whether the offer was fair or unfair, not of control subjects difference, and although the subjects have no influence on the mood reported. A Manipulation of Serotonin function, so the conclusion is, selectively, the reaction to Unfairness sixteen change. Also, patients with vmPFC damage tend to be more often unfair offers back seventeen assign. Oxytocin the female sex hormone that controls the birth process. It is prefabricated in the brain (Nucleus paraventricularis) and the posterior Pituitary secreted. It not only has hormone-like effects on the uterine contractility and of milk, as well as other body functions, but it is also a Neurotransmitter in the brain and acts as such a positive effect on social contacts (partners, binding, binding the mother to the infant). Oxytocin promotes prosocial behavior, and trust in other people eight to ten. It is cooperation, and in relation to competing groups, a defensive end, but is not aggressive behavior. Subjects who had received Oxytocin were more likely to be willing to sacrifice a people of a different ethnic group, in order to save a group of ethnically non-fixed people, as a people of the same ethnic group twenty. Oxytocin reduces Pro-social behavior towards people, not to the same group belong to twenty-one. Therefore, the effect is better than the"pro-in-group' effects". It is increasingly clear that genetic conditions contribute to the perception of the Morality, will be discussed among ethicists whether the creation of people with superior Moral reasoning is possible (they are referred to as"post-persons"), whether such beings would perceive as a morally superior twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four, and whether this development would not be wrong twenty-five. In regard to the dependence of moral decisions of the current metabolic activity of the brain and the Transmitter, are studies of their drug suggestibility is of high interest. Equally important is a discussion about the possible, desirable, and reasonable indications of such an influence.

It will be discussed the concern that the suggestibility of moral decisions, through the medicines to far-reaching and difficult-to-evaluate consequences in the personal and the legal field and at the level of the population.

Individual people can be led to decisions that you wouldn't otherwise meet. And a group of the population is able to the fact that some members are under the effect of such drugs, to tend to an unpredictable group behavior twenty-six.

Propranolol is a noradrenergic beta-blocker.

In the Situation of a moral dilemma (lives save against the killing of an Innocent) it lowers heart rate, but had no effect on the mood of the subjects of the study. Under its influence more often harmless actions were judged as morally unacceptable, but only if they were perceived as close and personal. The judgments were in the Propranolol group, more decisively than in the placebo group. The noradrenergic pathways play a role in decisions in situations of moral dilemmas. This is in Consistent with previous Findings, in which the emotions play in moral decisions. twenty-seven Citalopram is a selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitor, exerts over its reduction of Serotonin availability in a Pro-social effect, i.e. it causes moral dilemmas tend to be solved in the direction of for than against a community. The effect is mainly achieved through an increase in the aversion to harm twenty-eight. It is believed that drugs that improve the control of excessive drive drive-name-is, such as, for example, Ritalin in ADHD patients, the moral decisions in certain situations can affect the meaning of the social fabric. Ritalin causes for the often Violent moderation and überschießend Responsive to a reduction of violence and anti-social behaviour.

If it succeeds, the drug also Feelings and behavior in the direction of altruism and To enhance empathy, could be a discussion - moral dilemmas of the people of this predisposition prosozialer twenty-nine to be solved.