Tax refund calculator - how much my refund is

Taking all of the appropriate settings

Not everyone needs it, but all of you must submit the tax Declaration

The settlement with the tax office is usually troublesome and time-consuming, but for most workers it's worth it.

How high is your likely reimbursement, you can calculate using the following Online Tool free of charge and anonymous. The need of the Benefit of an income tax return arises from the fact that workers monthly pay for month-to-many control. This is due to the fact that the employer of the monthly Payroll lump sum amounts to the tax office pays, which is not exactly the amount of the actual tax liability of the employee match. This possibility of the tax refund everyone should benefit, the income generated, and control transfers. Citizens apply for a tax refund, according to the Federal statistical office, in the section on a repayment of approximately nine hundred Euro too much paid in taxes per year. What many do not know: often those taxpayers get a refund, which are not obliged to submit a tax Declaration. The application is therefore sensible in most cases. How many taxes do you get back in the end can not be answered with a specific number, but is designed for each taxpayer individually. the amount of the annual earnings as well as the distance to work. For the height the repayment is also relevant whether the taxpayer certain exemptions such as the child allowance, the training can freely use the amount or the discharge amount for a Single. An Overview of the following listing gives The calculation of the tax refund is calculated from the difference between the actual tax liability and the tax already paid. It has dissipated over the year to a few taxes to the Treasury, is a Payment of arrears due. In the opposite case, the taxpayer receives a refund. Employees usually have too many taxes, and, therefore, receive a refund.

You determine in the first step of your annual gross income.

You will see that the amount of your payroll.

From the gross, the reason is, first, tax-free amount, currently. Euro for a single person and Euro for assessed married couples deducted (booth).

The difference is then reduced by the amount of advertising costs. Exceed the advertising costs the lump sum of a thousand euros per year is the fee, otherwise, the exact amount is credited. From this result are subtracted allowances, special expenses and extraordinary burdens. This result is the basis for the calculation of the tax is to blame, namely the taxable income.

Who refrained from giving the Treasury money

Only in the last step of the wage tax, the solidarity surcharge and Church tax can be determined.

Our calculator takes a simplified pre-calculation of your expected tax refund.

It is, however, only approximate.

The purpose of Tools is to give you an idea of whether or not the levy of a tax return is worth it for you, and how high the amount of the refund approximately will be. We expressly point out that the calculation will not be legally binding claims can be derived.

Enter the requested data in the input mask.

Finally, click on"now my tax refund calculate". It is the simple motto is: first come, first served basis. The applications for a tax refund will be processed according to the order of receipt. Most tax offices do not begin until March, with the processing to yield since the beginning of the year often Changes in tax law. Unfortunately, the employees of the tax offices are overloaded in the last few years, more and more. So it may take until the final tax assessment, in the worst case three or four months. However, you can actively contribute to a shorter processing time, by specifying their tax data as completely as possible. So you do not need to cover letter, the tax office, and subsequently demanding information.