The various plants in the tax statement

Income from capital gains are made in the Appendix to CHAP

No income tax return is without a plant The self-employed choose the system s have Been parts of the income abroad, is to be supplied FROM the document with the given IDIncome from rent and Leases are to be specified in the system V. The document VL is provided to the capital accumulation benefits, which you get from the employer, to break down. There are other items of income which are, for example, from pensions, to fill in the system R. However, this is to be completed only if the Withholding tax back.

Children are taken into account in the document CHILD

Through this tax, the tax-adjusted debt otherwise, and must not be submitted.

Who want to deduct expenditure that served the Pension, you must fill in with 'pension costs', the overwritten document.

The system AV is used for the deduction of retirement contributions as special expenses. You need to be careful, if you want to deduct maintenance payments. The payments to separated or divorced partners about the system The document maintenance is, however, provided for the needy persons. These payments are deducted as an extraordinary burden. The law requires that each installation is to be submitted on an official form. However, there is one exception: anyone Who submitted his tax return paperless on ELSTER, it is allowed to print the summary, and the competent tax office send. The summary is directly from the program provided.